Description: The Flaming Chalice is the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. Generally, our chalice is a vessel made sacred by containing the flame of illumination/energy/warmth. But this chalice is made from the hands of two people, transforming it from an inert container to a dynamic and cooperative shaper of the flame’s reflection which translates to empathy/spirit/love of community. In the background the light of countless stars shine. Each star, a light like ours. Interpreting the myriad of stars as heaven, we become part of heaven, a heaven of our making, of our communal uplifting. But we are humble before its vastness, for even though we are guided by our principles, they are not the only lights.
We join and hold together from a mutual commitment to uphold our Unitarian Universalist principles by living our religion with actions guided by our hearts and expressed with our hands. |