First Step

Step towards Freedom

A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

Interpretation: Perhaps learning to walk is the greatest step we take toward a free exploration of our world.  As we moved toward places unknown; we moved away from our mother’s security.

Description: In this picture the child's hand is up and forward representing new skills and wider exploration.  The mother's outstretched hand represents responsible support that allows freedom by letting go.  The dissolving that occurs between both represents the pulling apart of the infant dependency bond.  The clarity of the forward part of the child's hand represents the clarification of responsibility that a free journey brings.  The background is darker in the direction of the child’s journey indicating that the direction of a search is from certainty to mystery.

A wondrous world awaits the searcher
Who walks freely beyond secure certainty
When seasoned support fades to fresh freedom
O bruises of truth, choose us a view to foresee.