Upholding our Principles

Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. 
May each of us respect all of us.  When we are harmed, banish hate with compassion, return a benefit, and maintain respect; for within the web, respect given will return respect.  Unconditional respect.

The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
May each of us grant worth and dignity to all of us.  Judging anyone tells more about the judge than the person being judged, it misdirects from consideration of actions, and provides a rationalization for being uncaring.  It engenders arrogance that closes the mind to the needs and joys of those degraded.  It hinders love and compassion.  Unconditional worth and dignity draws us together.

Acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth. 
May each of us accept all of us.  May each of us grow with love.  When I reject others and wish them ill, I sicken the spirit between us.  Opening our minds and seeking to understand the causes of harmful actions will bring empathy, humility, and compassion.  And this wisdom will grow the spirit between us.  Unconditional love. 

Justice, equity and compassion in human relations. 
May each of us be guided by compassion to be appropriate and fair toward others.  Bias will distort decisions and thereby harm relations.  From the bias of desire, relations appear better; from aversion, relations appear worse.  The balance of equanimity frees the mind of bias and brings the contentment and clarity to properly help others.  Unconditional equanimity.

The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. 
May each of us be world citizens affirming our humanity.  Community is divided when hostility replaces peace, oppression overpowers liberty, or power compels injustice.  Equity restores justice, humility ensures liberty, and patience maintains peace.  Undivided community.

A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
May each of us be responsible to search for truth and be free to create meaning.  Without truth we are shrouded in ignorance; without meaning we wander aimlessly.  Free searching empowers truth; responsible creating upholds meaning.  Free truth; responsible meaning.

The rights of conscience and the use of democratic processes.
May each of us uphold our personal and social ideals.  Self serving actions can fracture cooperation.  Social conformity can erode personal responsibility.  When one puts others first and when society raises up every individual, then personal and social ideals balance harmoniously.  No slaves; no masters.