Imbalance Begets Balance

Imbalance Begets Balance

Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.

We are joined hand to hand in balancing our lives.

Description: The negative image of the top hand represents material need while the positive image of the other hand represents material wealth.  But to understand this picture you must not associate negative with bad or positive with good.  Rather, think of them as compliments that arise as contrasts in an underlying unity.  
The outstretched hand represents yearning yet openness, while the clutched hand represents holding but closedness.
The white background represents the spirit which is imbuing the open hand.  The black background that is merging into the closed hand represents the possessions that weigh us down.
The two hands are joined representing the interdependence. That one is above the other indicates they are in a state of imbalance caused by greed and need.

          Too much, too few bind together to restrain us.
          But between jealous need and suspicious greed,
          We can fairly share away our strife.
          For only by giving can the grasping hand be freed.